MatheGrafix 12.2
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MatheGrafix 12.2

Draws graphics with geometric tables, used for statistics, analysis, others
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5
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3.4 MB

MatheGrafix is an excellent tool that allows you to plot 2D graphs including linear, geometric, exponential, fractals ones and more. The program operates in two modes: you can introduce the formula and plot the graph or you can draw interactively a geometric function on the graph.

There are two important windows: the "Mode functions" window which is the main one, and the "Graphs" window where the graphs are plotted. There is a presentation mode that combines both windows in full screen mode.

In the main window you will find different tabs: Functions, Geometry I, Geometry II, and Fractals. In the function tab you can introduce the formula of the function, and set the graph properties. You can plot up to 9 functions at the same time. You just have to select the number of the function and introduce the formula. There are different ways to introduce a formula: you can type it directly, use the buttons on the board, or use any of the predefined functions and examples for editing them later. The functions introduced are automatically plotted in the Graphs window.

The tabs "Geometry I" and "Geometry II" are very similar; you can select one of the buttons for drawing directly on the graph.

In the fractals tab there are many fractal examples, but you can also type and edit the formulas for plotting them later in the Graphs window.

The program is available to download in a portable version and in a setup file to be installed on your system.

RJ Senior editor
Roberto Jimenez
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Review summary


  • You can plot up to 9 functions on the graph at the same time
  • You can draw interactively geometric functions on the graph
  • The program includes a wide list of functions and fractals


  • This free version has some features disabled

Comments (2)

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rating John
Very good presentation!

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Excellent quality of the plotted graphs!

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